Guidelines for Submitting Digital Art to a Buyerspace

art categories

If you are a novice art gallery owner, you must familiarize yourself with the art categories before submitting your works to any of your local art fairs or swap meets. There are several standard art categories that you should familiarize yourself with and be familiar with the meaning of the submission guidelines for each art category. Some of these art categories are art categories paintings, drawings, sculptures and Mixed Media. You will find many more art categories than these as well as art types such as Architecture, Botany and Conservation, Contemporary fine art, Children’s art, Ethnic art, Impressionism, Modern art, Post-Impressionism, Religious art, Romanticism, Traditional art, Unpublished art, Urban art and Victorian art. There are art galleries that specialize in showcasing the art of one or more of these art categories.

Submitting Artwork

Before you begin submitting artwork to an art category you should familiarize yourself with the guidelines for each art categories. You must be sure to read and follow these art categories submission guidelines because if you do not follow them, your art may be rejected by the art categories on which it is submitted. The most common art categories are art categories paintings, sketches, drawings, photography, figurative art and mixed media. These art categories can cover anything from hand-painted stationery to photographic imagery to multi-media artworks. Each art categories listing contains information about the type of art that is being submitted.

Art Categories

If you would like to know what categories your art may be accepted for then please refer to the art categories examples (which include but are not limited to) the art categories descriptions and submission guidelines. Please note that if you are submitting art that you have already created yourself, then it is not necessarily required that it is included in the art categories. You will need to provide written permission from the copyright holder for you to include their art in your gallery, website or another display area. If you have questions or concerns about what is permissible, then please contact the appropriate authority. You should also be aware that some display areas are specifically set up to ensure that art is not exhibited if there are any complaints about its content or if it does not meet the established criteria for display.

There are many examples (including but not limited to) of art that has been rejected from art categories listings on many occasions. If you are submitting a piece to an art category, you should always check the rejections to see if they apply to your project before you submit it. You should also familiarize yourself with the art categories guidelines so that you can determine what the general criteria for acceptance are. This will allow you to be certain that your art will be accepted for display in the proper category.

art categories

Some art categories will require that your file size is below a specific size before being submitted for approval. If this is the case then you should make sure that you submit your art in acceptable file size. The file size limit varies by authority and in most cases is the larger of the two file sizes required by the gallery. A professional gallery would usually require a file size of at least 12 megabytes to be considered for uploading. For smaller galleries, the rule is often that the smaller your art, the more likely you will get approved for the submission.


When submitting art for inclusion into a website or print publication you should include a brief description of the painting. For example, if the work is a portrait of a person you should include the full name of the person and a short, but concise description of the portrait. This is the best way to describe the painting so that it accurately matches the category description and other information provided by the art gallery. However, examples (including but not limited to) of this type of art would also need to include a description of the medium used and the colour scale of the painting.

Additional examples (not limited to) of this type of art would include: an image of a child with its arm partially outstretched in front of the camera, a botanical illustration, or a portrait of a person lying down with their head showing. Also, some categories require that the subject be depicted in an unusual pose. These include examples (not limited to) of people on the beach, or laying on a bench while looking at the sky. Art categories that require unusual poses, if submitted, should also be accompanied by professional photographs that show the poses clearly.

If you are submitting digital works (such as an image that is created on a computer monitor and cannot be displayed in a traditional format such as a print publication), then you should consider using a metadata tab on your art submission site. This allows users to enter additional information about the work such as what program was used to create it, the date it was created, the artist or designer who created it and any other information that is related to the piece. For example, if the work is a digital painting, then the artist and/or designer can enter keywords related to colour, technique or anything else that might be associated with the painting. Then, the website will provide examples (not limited to) of art categories that match the metadata entered. By using this service, you will help to ensure that your art is properly categorized, making it easier for an art buyer to find it when they are searching on a marketplace.